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Study and Theory/
Holocaust Remembrance Day

Yitzhak Zukerman

About the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

Our weapon was: guns – a gun for each person, several rifles, an automatic gun, landmines which were buried in five or six places, homemade bombs, with a serious power of explosion, Molotov cocktails, Polish and German grenades, to defend and attack.

In addition we had one more weapon: a great idea, willingness and dedication. We saw the idea of the uprising as a central idea in our lives. We did not permit ourselves to live on this earth and just wander, after the destruction of 500,000 Jews in Warsaw and hundreds of thousands of Jews in other places, unless we can live in the name of the uprising. And everything, the good and the bad, every step, every thought, every act, we examined from this viewpoint: uprising or no uprising. There was a spirit within the pioneering movement and the youth movements which said: uprising! Thoughts – uprising, life – uprising.

Everything pointed to an uprising.

We knew that Israel existed and would exist, and that death gave a reason for the remainder of life. We knew: for life and for those across the sea, for them and for us, in their honour and in our honour, and for whatever comes next, for the coming generations – uprising!

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