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Tel Hai
The Night of the 11th of Adar

Lyrics: Anda Pinkerfeld Amir

Music: Moshe Bic

The night of the 11th of Adar,

is different and more bitter than other nights.

The flute whines with the jackal

on the night of the bereavement in the Galilee.


On the night of the 11th of Adar

A man said before his death:

"It's good to die - we'll die with joy

for our land in the Galilee".


On this night, the night of Adar,

the echo of his words penetrates hearts,

And there is no other force that shall frighten

our guardians in the Galilee.


On this night, the night in Adar,

every youth made a vow:

We shall not fear and not tremble

on the night of fury in the Galilee.

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