In the Galil |
In the Galilee in Tel Hai |
Tel Hai |
The Dream of Joseph of the Galilee |
The Night of the 11th of Adar |
The Song of Acre Prisoners |
In the Galil
Lyrics: Abraham Broides
Music: Arabian Folk
On a hill, yonder in the Galilee
Sits a guard, playing a flute.
He plays the song of a shepherd
to a sheep, a kid, and a lost colt.
to a mischievous child chasing a butterfly.
To a nomad arriving from a city and a town.
He plays the flute and calls: Hello!
Come here, come to me!
The flute can play melodies
There are legends here in the Galilee.
There used to be an ancient hero,
who split rocks open and moved them.
In the path of destruction into caves
his voice thundered, he turned on lights.
With a song of life, he set out to the battle
Facing a great a great big mob.
'It's good to die on guard of our land!'
so, he said.
There used to be a hero - a riddle,
who had but one arm.
A Different Version:
A different wording of the ninth verse:
"It's good to die" - so he said -
"for our land, while on guard"!