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Texts from the period of the Bible and Our Sages (Chazal)

Blessings and life rites from the Chagim archive

A collection of sources

A man who does not feel the mystery of the wonders of nature

Who is not impressed by the sunrise and the sunset

Who is indifferent to life around him. His life is lacking vitality

The call for renewal. In brief means to call for love

According to Rabbi Nachman, the plea that we place before the Creator.

“Do not cast me away when I am old” – the intention is also that

When the limbs begin to stoop, the soul will not…

This prayer is the same as “Do not take the spirit of your holiness from me”.

When the holy spirit is taken from man, our lives cease

To arouse the experience of wonder, is a sign that he has been cast

Into old age.

Rabbi Nachman

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