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These candles we light for the wars

Newsletter Kibbutz Kineret, Chanukah 5763

As sons of the Jewish people and citizens of our divided country, we no longer light “these candles” for the “miracles and wonders and the redemptions....”

Today more and more we light memorial candles for the wars, for the victims, for the blood that is spilt every day; for the small children, the young lives, for the fathers and mothers and the great darkness in the heart and soul;

And the candles do not dull the great pain and do not bring light to the homes of those whose worlds have fallen around them;

It is difficult now to find someone who finds a shred of hope, whose eyes are shining.
Because everyone knows someone – and you want to cry out: “depart darkness!”
However people are people.
This year too we will light the Chanukah candles and put them on the window ledge.
Perhaps someone will see them this time.
Perhaps someone will make of the prayers, the requests...

Perhaps from the darkness enclosing us, a small light will emerge.

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