Members of the People's Council signed on the Founding Declaration of the State of Israel
Signatories - Declaration of Independence
David Ben-Gurion - Head of the People's Council and Representative of Mapai
Daniel Auster - Representative of the General Zionists
Mordechai Bentov - Representative of Mapam
Yitzhak Ben Zvi - Representative of Mapai
Eliyahu Berlin - Representative of the General Zionists
Peretz (Paritz) Bernstein - Representative of the General Zionists
Wolf Gold - Representative of the Mizrachi
Meir Grabovsky, Argov - Representative of Mapai
Yitzhak Gruenbaum - Representative of the General Zionists
Avraham Granovsky, Granot - Representative of the General Zionists
Eliyahu Dobkin - Representative of Mapai
Meir Wilner - Representative of the Communist Party
Zerach Warhaftig - Representative of Hapoel Hamizrachi
Herzl Vardi, Rosenblum - Representative of the Revisionist Party
Rachel Cohen - Representative of WIZO
Rabbi Kalman Kahana Representative of Poalei Agudat Israel
Saadia Kobashi - Representative of the Yemenites
Rabbi Yitzhak Meir Levin - Representative of Agudat Israel
Meir David Loewenstein -Representative of Agudat Israel
Zvi Luria - Representative of Mapam
Golda Myerson, Meir - Representative of Mapai
Nahum Nir, Raffalkes - Representative of Mapam
Zvi Segal - Representative of the Revisionist Party
Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaCohen Fishman, Maimon - Representative of the Mizrachi
David Zvi Pinkas - Representative of the Mizrachi
Aharon Zisling - Representative of Mapam
Moshe Kolodny, Kol - Representative of the General Zionists
Eliezer Kaplan - Representative of Mapai
Abraham Katznelson, Nisan - Representative of Mapai
Felix, Pinchas Rosenblueth, Rosen - Representative of Aliyah Chadasha
David Remez - Representative of Mapai
Berl Repetur - Representative of Mapam
Mordechai Shatner - Representative of Mapai
Ben-Zion Sternberg - Representative of the Revisionist Party
Bechor Shalom Sheetrit - Representative of the Sephardim
Moshe Shapira - Representative of Hapoel Hamizrachi
Moshe Shertok (Sharett) - Representative of Mapai
Members of the Provisional Government
David Ben Gurion – Prime Minister and Minister of Defense
Mordechai Bentov – Minister of Labor and Construction
Peretz Bernstein – Minister of Trade and Industry
Yitzhak Gruenbaum – Minister of Internal Affairs
Yitzhak Meir Levin – Minister of Welfare
Yehuda Leib HaCohen Fishman, Maimon – Minister of Religions and War Victims
Aharon Zisling – Minister of Agriculture
Eliezer Kaplan – Minister of Finance
Felix, Pinchas Rosenblit, Rosen – Minister of Justice
David Remez – Minister of Transportation
Bechor Shalom Sheetrit – Minister of Police and Minister of Minority Affairs
Moshe Shapira – Minister of Health and Minister of Immigration
Moshe Shertok – Minister of Foreign Affairs