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Study and Theory/
Independence Day

Independence Day Programs - Various Kibbutzim

The following is a brief collection of Independence Day programs, practiced over the years in various kibbutzim. Perhaps, among these you may find a program appropriate for your community?

"Though the storm is ever mounting" (Palmach Event)

Gentlemen, history returns (Pictures from then till today)

A Hundred Years of Ascent

The story of the immigration (from the book, 'The Book of Immigration' by Mordechai Naor, eds. Ministry of Defense).

The five gates of the holiday: the gate of yearning; the Gate of Immigration; the Gate of Independence; the Gate of Rebirth, "Wall and Tower" event

"Independence Song Event" an evening of songs and poetry + a song list to be distributed to the crowd (to combine with public singing -  a choir and soloists as well as chapters of poems by known poets)

A Campfire for Kindergarten Children on the eve of the holiday – highlighted by a story told by a parent or friend.

It is important to cover all wakes of the populace in the holiday events – also the

temporary ones.

"This is My Secret" Secrets from the past of the state and from before its establishment. This game may also concentrate on one hundred years of Zionism.

"The Hollywood Squares" the popular game, focused on the theme: Events of Israel's existence, events concerned with one hundred years of Zionism.

"Around the Campfire" Relating stories and anecdotes around a bonfire.

"Till you Drop" A dance event and competitions of organized dancing.

A fashion show displaying how clothing items have changed from those days till today.



"The Seder of Independence Day"


"Childhood, Growing with the State" A special song sheet based on this theme and additional songs. The entire party is to be based on singing, transitional passages and performances by age groups – regional particulars, countries, communities, youth groups and all of these should concentrate on childhood and youth. The program ends with singing into the night.


An Army Band Songs event performed by locals. Distribution of a leaflet containing the texts of the songs.


A festive party titled, "And You Shall Relate to your Son" Members tell the crowd about their experiences in Israeli battles, interluded with appropriate songs by chorus + solo. The audience is encouraged to join in with the singing.


A festive party with the theme of – Aliyah or Ingathering.  Members ascend the stage to relate their Aliyah stories and about their absorption in the kibbutz. A small choir accompanies the songs with background singing and pieces of music.


"The Night is Songs" "A kind of singing club for the public, a program divided into five gates: Say there is a land; There were nights; "Old Melody"; "A Face and a Sketch" "Just the wind." (In between the gates riddles may be presented by a moderator).

Encounters with Immigrants

"A Neighbors' Night" entailing a friendly encounter with a neighboring Kibbutz or settlement, a developing town or an Arab settlement. Shared hosting – performances from both settlements and more. It is suggested that participants bring along special accessories depicting folklore from their past.

An Evening Dedicated to Literature of the Generation of year 5708 (1948)

A series of Israeli Films to be broadcasted in the local Television channel.

An Evening of Unknown Affairs – from within and from without the locality, which also reflect the life of the state and early settlement. This event should not be limited to locals alone, but should also be open parents or friends of locals who reside elsewhere.

"The Story Behind the Song" There are several tunes or songs that our ears take in or we like to sing– and there is also an interesting tale behind every one of them. These are to be introduced by singing and by narrations presented in various ways, including the use of slides or video clips.

"This is Your Life Israel" Reflection of the state and its events in a gathering such titled, to be related by the "Disappearing".

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