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Study and Theory/
Independence Day

Sara Kriegsar

Growing Vegetables Among the Rocks

Not far from the farm there is a small hill. Once, on Shabbat, we went for a walk with Hannah and on our way to this hill, where plots of good black earth stood out, she suggested that we try to grow vegetables there. We agreed with enthusiasm and decided to begin the next day. So the following day we went up to the hill with hoes in our hands. I looked on as Hannah was leveling the ground with her rake, which seemed amazing to me. Hannah brought seeds, and we sowed carrots and other vegetables. At the foot of the hill there was a hand pump. Every day we would come there with a mule laden with four cans and fill them with water for irrigation. Hannah would hold the mule from the front, and the each of us would hold it by either side. And in this way, we would go up to our plot to water it. I took it upon myself to guard the seedlings, and to our delight we found out that vegetables could be grown between the rocks.

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