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Study and Theory/
29th November

Acknowledgement of a Jewish State

The Histadrut’s "Davar" Newspaper, November 30

“After a long and grueling struggle, the United Nations General Assembly has approved the proposal for the establishment of a Jewish State on the majority of the land area of Israel. The vote was passed by a majority of 33. Thirteen voted against the proposal.

The Arab delegations' effort during the final stages of the General Assembly Meeting failed to thwart approval of the plan by raising a demand for a compromise. The Arab delegations failed to offer the General Assembly a parallel proposal for the minority at the UN Commission of Inquiry, while Iran also failed to postpone the vote for a further two weeks.

The accomplishments of the Jewish Agency’s representatives at this meeting will be remembered as a truly significant chapter in the history of the Jewish nation’s democratic organization. 


This nation who suffered for so long will never forget the assistance of its greatest allies, the Righteous Souls of the Nations, who surfaced during the most terrible and spectacular period of Jewish history since the Jews were exiled from the Land of Israel. Jews in Israel and the world over: By all means, celebrate this day but don’t let your joy leave you in a drunken stupor. We have much work to do. Now we face a greater test. And today is just the beginning.


Your loyalty, pioneering spirit and great faith has brought us this far. This loyalty, pioneering spirit and great faith will establish the Jewish State, a faithful instrument for the realization of Zionism.”


The Assembly elected an Implementation Committee, at Sweden’s suggestion. Committee members represent Bolivia, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Panama and the Philippines. The committee will immediately leave for Palestine and $2 million has been allocated towards implementation.”
Reader’s Note: The newspaper is careful to present the establishment of the State not as an ultimate achievement for Zionism, but as a means through which to achieve Zionist goals.


"By all means, celebrate this day but do not let your joy leave you in a drunken stupor. We have much work to do. Now we face a greater test. And today is just the beginning.


Your loyalty, pioneering spirit and great faith has brought us this far. This loyalty,

pioneering spirit and great faith will establish the Jewish State, a faithful instrument for the realization of Zionism.”

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