Minister Moshe Montefiore
Lyrics: Haim Hefer

Music: Dov Zeltzer
And when Minister Montefiore was eighty
White angels came to his home
They stood on his bed and said to him:
The Holy One wants you to come to Him...
And Minister Montefiore answered precisely:
Excuse me gentlemen, but I am really busy
Because I have a lot of troubles with our brothers in the world
There’s a pogrom in Russia, how can I come to you
Because who if not I will help everyone here?
And he got into his carriage
And said “giddy up” to the horses
And here he gave secretly, and there he donated
And here a pinch on the cheek or a stroke of love
And all the Jews were happy and proud
And well done to the Minister!
And when Minister Montefiore was ninety
They said to him: ascend, because they are asking up there
The Minister asked them: How can I
Will the blood libel in Damascus be cancelled?
I need to go to the despicable Pasha
To tell him he should be ashamed and how can he allow such a thing
And maybe I need to give him some kind of bribe
A sort of big gift however so that no-one notices
So who if not I can give this to the Turk
And he got into.....
And when the Minister Montefiore was one hundred
He said: I’ve had enough already, my soul is satisfied
Millions of liras, francs and bishliks have gone
But for the Jews it’s never enough
They said to him: Your Honour just come and look
We need to build another room in Rachel’s Tomb
And to raise up the Western Wall
And we need to bring Jews to Neve Shaananim
And who if not you, our dear teacher, our dear heart
And he got into....
And when the Minister Montefiore was one hundred and one more year
The angels kissed him with their final kiss
And thus he closed his eyes as they had asked
Only one Jerusalem stone under his head
Wrapped in a prayer shawl of silk and resting in a coffin
The Minister Moshe completed his final journey
However there are still people who are prepared to swear
That sometimes during the night when they were in the area
They saw Montefiore standing next to his carriage
And he got into....

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