
Anthem of the Flag |
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Anthem of the Flag
Words: Zeev Jabotinsky

Music: Unknown
Do not say that we are not
The blood of our father the Maccabee
For three drops of his blood
Are mingled in my heart's blood
One is like the colour of the Kinneret
One is like snow and one is gold
On the armband, on the flag
On the head and in the heart
This is the blue of the sky:
Height, horizon, courage to fly –
You will forever take off, you will be raised
The spirit of the past against infinity
Forever our souls will find
Knowledge, beauty, purity
And from our Holy Mount will go forth
The truth which is Torah
However there is another drop, there is a droplet
That we have not known to date
It is not on the flag
It is in the heart and it is red
If an enemy shall break forth in an ambush –
We will then rise and stand tall
To the lives of the youth, the life of the sword
The life of the blood of the Maccabees
The sweat on the forehead is white
It creates, builds –
It will plant an everlasting seed
In the field and in the garden
It will cause a cedar tree to grow in the sand
Carmel was sewn onto the cliffs:
It will build from scorn and destruction
The homeland Israel
And the gold is the light of the sun
Bursting out of the night
Forever will argue with last night
In exploitation of Israel
To the pauper, the foreigner, the slave
Throughout Israel, in every generation
You will forever bring the gift:
The light of justice, light and freedom
A miracle of labour, freedom and purity
A miracle of the generation of the builder
Do not be afraid, because the youth lives
The Hasmonean is alive and well
Heading 6

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