Natan Alterman
With the First Knesset
The first session of the constituent assembly opened.
Masses arrive from all parts of the country...
"Knesset – is the name of the new Israeli Parliament".
From the newspaper, February, 1949
Once again, a springy day, a day of changes and wonders.
The air carries a mischievous scent of mint
And delegates, as they skip over puddles,
shall go,
my friend,
To the parliament.
They shall be seated as a matter of routine, and listen to the speech
(session number one thousand and one thousand and seven)
Some shall take a short doze
Some shall take a deep slumber...
And the speaker shall discuss the export of fava beans,
or taxation for owners of domestic cats...
(History also has worldly hours, for knitting and mending socks.)
Then from some open window a sparrow
Shall get in to the Knesset hall,
She shall dance a bit on the chairman's gavel,
and almost turn over the inkstand...
And as it flies the delegate gaze at its route
and acquiesce: it's an invited delegate
of the strong wind of that Shvat evening
Where you, the constituent assembly were born.
You shall not live forever in sparkling light...
No! You shall also witness in the future
ordinary days a snooze and a futile argument
Without an orchestra and without – two thousand years...
Your day shall come, assembly, routine shall gnaw at it,
And some teeth are getting ready for this in advance,
The cabinet and the paper
ambushed for their beds
of eras and flags and an idea.
Yet the regular days are good and the toil – as well,
if in them there will be no silence for a moment,
like a stubborn and dim heart, the sound of a drum
that had thundered
when the flag was raised!
You were given an ancient title, after the "Knesset" you were named.
But just as a trumpet rejoicing
cleaves to you (and let it not be considered - your sin) ...
also the foreign name, "The Constituent Assembly".
Since not only of the ancient Knesset are you a daughter...
Not only of her!... from the tree top to the trunk
You are stricken with the French Convent storm
While also strips of Marseillaise pass through you!
You are pretty as the prettiest daughters of the sparrow
who always rise like a monument.
From the "Forum Romanum" within the siege
Up until the assembly of the "Magna Carta"
If you'd always recall the days of lightning
As you first stood up before your observers!
Then the touch of routine shall not age you
and your youth shall withstand your grazing area!
And both among us and among the nations it shall be known
that despite the years and experience
At the entrance of your rustproof entrance
will stand the shining sword of law and justice.
And in days of trials – it shall touch you with a spark
And you shall stand up to proclaim your words
and you shall face honesty and justice of law
rather than to the applaud of the balcony!
Thus, you shall you arise more than once to serve the generation
with barren elbows like a washerwoman...
...and from some window that was opened a sparrow
shall then enter the hall of the Knesset
And when she flies the delegates will watch her route
And many won't know that to here
she had arrived directly from that eve in Shvat
that had once stormed – above us