Nathan Alterman
The Night of Elijah
He shall arrive to dine as he has done through the past
In Israeli Homes in Azor and Aderet
He shall arrive at the table of the Hebrew unit
Dressed in smoke, dust and lead
He shall stretch out his hand to his cup as by custom
The company shall stand to greet him in silence, while at the entrance -
as a giant tear festive and golden,
the moon shall glow in the Passover heaven
It shall bless the table and the virtuous meal
It shall bless the entire company be it station or mobile
It shall bless the power that emerged as a nation
That was born once again at its holiday of creation
On the heavens high above of a battling night
The moon shall flare and the earth – an eye of wine
And the patriarch who has grown old with the age of the people
Shall be found standing on this night at its cradle
Then the patriarch whispers: Between commander of company or that of platoon
I may not discern. Bear with me the ancient ancestor
Yet the Rock of Israel, the Father – commander of all sons
Shall bless your holiday over bread of the poor.
He shall bless the table upon which the warm meal is served...

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