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Literature and Poetry/
Rosh Hashana


Rosh Hashana

Kibutz Ein Hashofet

At the end of the tunnel there is a light

And at the end of the light there is a bird.

And at the end of the bird there is a beak

And at the end of the beak there is a branch.

At the end of the branch there is a leaf and the tip

of the leaf, there is a light.

And that light is a diamond.

A unique diamond. It does not have

surface, nor volume, it is impossible

to touch.

It has no weight.

This diamond at the end of the light,

The bird, the beak, the branch,

The leaf -

All these are the New Year.

If any of us could

Choose a diamond and polish it

With his deeds,

Our lives - a diamond light – will be

One big prayer.

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