Yael Satat
Our Israel is 60 Years old
Happy birthday to Israel – she's 60 today!
We are all so excited in every single way!
In the fields workers are sowing and plowing;
On the roads many cars are busy touring;
On the beach and the Kineret – multitudes are swimming;
In the schools and kindergartens children run happily;
And the beautiful sunshine – is enjoyed immensely;
Happy birthday to Israel – She's 60 today!
We are all so excited in every single way!
50 years on the map to be.
Had Herzl lived - this beauty to see.
Hand in hand we'll get all around
To embrace the country, we are bound.
We'll celebrate – with song and sound!
In every settlement, kibbutz and town!
Happy birthday to Israel – She's 60 today!
We are all so excited in every single way!
We'll spread out a banner – all country wide
And make sure its colors are pure blue and white
The white we shall borrow from a cloud way up high
The blue – a gift the sea won't deny
And winds from all four directions will enter
A huge Star of David right in the center
Happy birthday to Israel – she's 60 today!
We are all so excited in every single way!
Country dear, on your holiday what may be your blessings?
May many flowers and trees be blossoming;
May birds from within bushes be chirping;
May you be filled with children happily growing;
Prevail! And many people – your grounds shall be hosting.