Shlomi Aspar
Jerusalem – the World's Heart is Beating
Go in the old city, here the streets are bathed in magic
Here my childhood has passed and my heart keeps memories
Go through Neveiim Street, through the market, to the high places of Beit Hakerem
Let your feet walk here on paths like the fathers
I want to dream a thousand more dreams with you
Always keep in your heart everything that was ...
When the evening slowly descends here between the walls
The heart of the world beats like a thousand melodies
Jerusalem, the song and the hope that you will not end ...
If I forget you again I will not remember anything else .......
Go to the old city, for a moment, stop and watch
The tops of the mosques kiss the blue in a beautiful country
Here, among the stones of Yemin Moshe, countless couples joined hands
To you a prayer from the mouth of an orphan, of a weeping mother
I want to play a thousand more tunes with you
Always keep in your heart everything that was ...
When the evening slowly descends here between the walls
The heart of the world beats like a thousand melodies
Jerusalem, the song and the prayer that will not end ...
If I forget you I will never remember anything else ...
I am again on my father's shoulders, passing through Nachlaot
Between the cafes I also knew loves
Jerusalem, my city and my home, and I have no other
If I forget you I will never remember anything else ..