Yael Satat
Happy Birthday Homeland!
We stretch over the table an unusual cover
A map of Israel – the land of our fathers
A map with a weird sort of diamond shape
With details and markings upon the landscape
"I have an idea", says the kindergarten teacher:
A trip – just a vehicle on wheels with a driver."
So each prepares a gift and a banner to fit it
We built a train with cars and an engine connected
All ready for the trip – here we are, we're excited.
You our homeland are 60 today
A grand birthday party we all celebrate
Every child holding a sign in one hand
Is ready to go out to tour through the land
The train runs smoothly – and then it halts.
For eyes to peek out and look all about.
What beautiful nature – oh what scenery.
We have just passed by the wonderful sea!
A hill and a valley and a beautiful stream,
We all wish to go on there is much more to see.
The train passes through many cities and towns
As we are sitting and singing out loud
You our homeland are 60 today
A grand birthday party we all celebrate
The kindergarten kids watch as the train goes on
Asking, where is Dalia and Dafna and Dan?
Where's Tavor and Kineret and Golan?
Mt. Carmel's blossoms are green and so neat
With colorful flowers that smell very sweet
Who simply are waiting for visitors to greet
The kindergarten teacher asks – do you see:
Oaks and pines and pistachia trees?
A cyclamen, anemone, and willow - what plants!
A vine tree in season – just look how it stands.
The train passes through many cities and towns
And we are sitting and singing out loud
You our homeland are 60 today
A grand birthday party we all celebrate
So as the train continues down, up and around;
The kindergarten teacher points out to her crowd:
Look at the light blue sky - then look down:
See the waters of the Jordan as we travel by
While a sunbird and a sparrow fly up to the sky
We'll be getting to Jerusalem soon - you all
From here, to Omer, Eilat and Yahel
What fun it is to travel all around Israel
We'll see deer and mountain goats both big and small
The train passes through many cities and towns
And we are sitting and singing out loud
You our homeland are 60 today
A grand birthday party we all celebrate
We travelled by train and gave souvenirs
In each and every station - both far and near
Each put down a picture on a sign with a name
Each – with a story and a message quite the same:
Dear homeland we've come by to get acquainted with you;
We met up with nature and settlements too
The trip is almost over, the train howls choo, choo
Back to kindergarten – our trip is almost through
Where on the map on the table – our names show up too.