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Ceremonies /
Welcoming the Shabbat In the Month of Tevet  2

15th of Tevet 5770

Candle Lighting / Zelda

To light candles in all of the worlds –

is Shabbat.

To light Shabbat candles

is a leap of a soul filled with secrets

to a wonderful mysterious sea

of the sunset fire.

When I kindle the lights

my room turns into the River Dinor,

My heart sinks in cascades of emeralds.


Deserted Area

Lyrics: Eli Mohar

Music: Alon Nadal and Yoni Rechter


And outside the sky is covered with clouds

And the wind passes between the sea and the houses

And the sun sets and no light turns on

And the room is filled with darkness


And I sit quietly alone without moving

Since childhood this hour arrives with pain

Since no day and no night is space with no owner

and the heart refuses to be released


Oh – I wish you were here with me

No – she is gone and will never come back.


And time that passed since – as if it never passed

The same branch waves across me out of the window

A date changes but the same Autumn remains outside

And for a moment the 'then' is the 'now'.


Oh – I wish you were here with me

No – she is gone and will never come back.


Oh – I wish you were here with me

No – she is gone and will never come back.


And outdoors the sky is already dark and strict

And in the evening lights are lit in the rooms

And I, who have become fatigued turn on the light here

and get rid of the darkness – and go.


Kiddush Over Wine

Let us look at the wine and its color,

Let us smell its scent,


He Who Makes Peace

He who makes peace in his high places

Shall make peace over us

And on all of Israel

And say, and say Amen.


Until the Next Delight/Lyrics and Music: Inbal Perlmutter

Once again, a blissful time in my life,

Gushing waters wash my senses.

I am drawn, and turn into

a dark animal, a wet monster,

a night elf, a good fairy,

sweet and stomping, shutting the light,

and proceeding to flow –


Until the next delight...


And when a storm arrives, when my bad temper attacks me,

I open my window and, I ride with strides to the heavens.

And when I get there, I mock a thin strip of yellow light,

I won the game, I'm now deep in the water.


Until the next delight...

Blessing over the Challah


Shabbat Shalom!

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